About Mortek API

Helping You Build

Leverage the Mortek API to help you build useful tools. We focus on giving you accurate calculations in a reliable API, so you can focus on making powerful apps, websites, widgets, plugins, data science notebooks, and more.

  • Calculators for marketing and data analysis in apps and websites
    • Principal and Interest payment calculators for different payment frequencies
    • Generate full amortization schedules with a breakdown of each payment period’s interest and principal portions
    • Calculate the total cost of interest over the amortization or term of a mortgage
  • Tools to evaluate scenarios in Jupyter Notebooks/Google Colab
    • Create a variable mortgage rate scenario, showing how the mortgage would be affected if the rate changes over the amortization or term of a mortgage
    • Compare different payment frequencies for a mortgage and how they effect total interest paid & how quickly a mortgage can be paid off
    • Compare different principal prepayment scenarios, allowing comparison of different mortgage paydown strategies and how they affect the total interest paid on a mortgage & how quickly a mortgage can be paid off